Felt Butterfly Craft

My next guest blogger is Monique from Living Life and Learning. Monique is a homeschooling mom of 3, blogging about educational activities for kids. Some of my favorite posts are her (free printable) Dinosaur Counting Cards and her Felt Storyboards for Mo Willems' Pigeon Books.

Felt Butterfly Craft

Spring is in the air, so it's a great time to learn about butterflies. Felt crafts are a great way to get little ones imaginations flowing and it's such a quiet activity. It's perfect for when you need to focus on something like teaching an older child or making a phone call. This felt craft is super easy to put together and if you have any felt lying around the house then you can do it in no time at all. All you need is felt and a pair of scissors and you can make your own set.

Felt Butterfly Craft

Felt Butterfly Craft Supplies:

- purple: wings
- black: body and antennae
- red, yellow, pink and blue: different shapes
- scissors

For this craft I didn't draw out a template but just cut free form. For the wings I folded the purple sheet of felt and cut out the wings so that it would look symmetrical. The black felt was used for the body, head and antennae. I used various colors and cut out diamonds, lines, circles and zig zag patterns. I'm not super creative but I was going for simple and this felt craft is definitely easy to put together.

My felt crafts are stored in ziploc bags so she can take them out on her own to play with them. My daughter was being silly and enjoyed throwing the felt pieces onto a pile on the butterfly. She was very proud of her work and asked me to take pictures of it along with herself as well. My daughter had a blast playing with the felt flowers craft and felt pizza that I've made as well.

Meet Monique:

Monique is a biology graduate, web designer and homeschooling mother to 3, you can find her blogging about homeschooling, activities and printables at Living Life and Learning. You can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram.


Viviana is a blogging mom to a toddler, a preschooler, and a kindergartner, sharing ideas and resources for early education. She specializes in unique, hands-on printable activities that are educational, fun and inspire creativity in young minds.

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